About Us

We’ve all been asked by our parents to contribute to a family back home living in absolute poverty.

Who is it going to? How long will it see them through? And where are they now?

We recognised the need for a more impactful solution. But couldn’t find one, so we built one.

Pushpa, a diaspora fund that invests in economic growth back home. We’re here to bridge the generational divide and drive collective impact.

Our goal is to create a connected global diaspora community that accelerates economic growth for the people we care about.

Our Values


We're creating ways to reconnect and contribute. Our platform links the diaspora to opportunities that fuel long-term growth in Bangladesh and beyond.


We’re all about collective action. By uniting investors and beneficiaries, we're creating a community that shares in each other's successes and drives positive change.


Our investments fund sustainable projects, creating ripples of positive change that grow bigger over time. It's about making every taka count, while building a legacy that lasts.

Our Team

Co-founder, Operations

Mahian Rab

Farah Laskar

Co-founder, Product

Zaynab Tariq

Co-founder, Marketing